CorelDRAW 8 Online Help Updates

Documentation of the new features, feature enhancements, and other corrections that have been made to this version of CorelDRAW 8 are outlined in the following sections, which coincide with the chapters in your original User Manual:

CorelDRAW 8 User's Guide
Chapter Page Topic/Procedure Title Name of the error and/or change made

Chapter 1 Welcome to CorelDRAW 15 Understanding objects Overview updated to include the center X when selecting an object.
What's the difference between objects with open and closed paths? Last sentence modified to "You can fill objects with closed and open paths."

Chapter 3 Setting up your drawing 50 To choose a preset page size Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
51 To set the resolution Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
52 To define a custom page size using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
53 To delete a custom page size Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
54 To set the page orientation using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
55 To set the layout style Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
To view facing pages Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...". Step 3 : removed.  

Step 4 : became Step 3.

57 To color a page background using a solid color Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
To color a page background using a bitmap Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
58 Removing a page background Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
To hide or display the page border Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
59 To use a preset label style Step 2 : changed from "Double-click Page..." to "In the list of categories, double-click Document, Page...".
To add a custom label style Step 2 : changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
68 To assign a shortcut key to a style Step 5: changed from "...Shortcut keys..." to "...Current Shortcut keys...".
To delete existing shortcut keys Step 2: changed from "...Delete Conflicting Shortcut..." to "...Delete Conflicts...".  

Step 3: changed from "...Navigate To Conflict On Assign..." to "...Navigate To Conflict...".

75 To set the ruler origin using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".
77 To change the units of measurement on the rulers using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".
To set the number of tick division marks Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".
78 To have the rulers display measurements in pixels Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".
To choose a preset drawing scale Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".
80 To set the distance between grid points Step 2 : changed from" Document, Grid And Guidelines." to "...double-click Document, and click Grid And Guidelines.".
To have objects snap to the grid using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from" Document, Grid And Guidelines." to "...double-click Document, and click Grid And Guidelines.".
81 To display or hide the rulers using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".
To display or hide the grid using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from" Document, Grid And Guidelines." to "...double-click Document, and click Grid And Guidelines.".
82 Working with guidelines Overview : changed from "You can also move guidelines between layers..." to "You can also hide the guideline layer...".
86 To have objects snap to guidelines using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from" Document, Grid And Guidelines." to "...double-click Document, and click Grid And Guidelines.".
87 To display or hide guidelines using the Options dialog box Step 2 : changed from" Document, Grid And Guidelines." to "...double-click Document, and click Grid And Guidelines.".

Chapter 4 Drawing and shaping objects 125 To choose a preset drawing scale Step 2 : changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.". 

Chapter 5 Selecting and transforming objects 162 Tip! Stretching objects using the mouse First Tip removed.

Chapter 6 Filling and outlining objects 190 To apply a uniform fill with the Interactive Fill tool Step 6: changed from "...Edit Fill..." to "...Edit...".
195 First Tip! Applying a fountain fill using the Interactive Fill tool  Changed from "...Edit Fill..." to "...Edit...". 
Last Tip! Applying a preset fountain fill Changed from "...Edit Fill..." to "...Edit...".
198 First Note! Saving custom fountain fills  Changed from "...COREL\DRAW80..." to "...COREL\GRAPHICS8...".
Last Tip! Saving custom fountain fills Changed from "...Edit Fill..." to "...Edit...".
200 To adjust the quality of a fountain fill using the Property Bar Step 4: changed from "...Padlock icon..." to "...Fountain Step Lock/Unlock button...".
209 To mix colors in a two-color pattern fill using the Color Palette Step 2 : changed to "Hold down CTRL, and click a color from the Color Palette. Hold down CTRL, and drag a color from the Color Palette. As the mouse pointer moves over the object, it changes shape to indicate that the color will be mixed by 10%. Release the mouse button before CTRL."
232 To apply a PostScript texture fill with the Interactive Fill tool Step 5: Changed from "...Edit Fill..." to "...Edit...". 
234 To change the default fill for new objects using the Options dialog box Step 2: changed from " Document, Styles." to "...double-click Document, and click Styles.".
236 To disable the fill open curves setting Step 2: changed from " Document, General." to "...double-click Document and click General.".
242 To edit a line style using the Outline Pen dialog box Step 3: changed to "Click the Edit Style button.".
To edit a line style using the Pen Roll-Up Step 3: changed to "Click the Edit Style button and repeat steps 3 to 7 from the previous procedure."
254 To change the default outline for new objects using the Options dialog box Step 3: changed from " Document, Styles." to "...double-click Document, and click Styles."
309 Setting the display options in the Object Manager New Procedure: "To expand the Object Manager upon object selection."

Chapter 8 Organizing objects 316 To delete a layer Step 2: procedure changed and previous instructions added below as a Tip.

Chapter 10 Working with text 355 To specify the size of text that will be greeked Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
To smooth edges of screen fonts Step 1: changed to "Follow steps 1 and 2...".
364 To specify the increment used to resize text incrementally Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
366 Tip! Below To remove underline, overscore, or strikethrough First Tip removed.
374 Showing and hiding interactive spacing arrows New Procedure.
376 To specify the number of characters to display during manual kerning Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
378 To return a vertically shifted character to the baseline Step 2: removed the word "realign". 
382 To specify default text units Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text."
Changing the default formatting properties for new documents New Topic and procedures.
388 First Tip! Aligning Paragraph text Changed from "...Spacing..." to "...Space...".
392 To decrease or increase space between trailing leader tab characters Step 2: changed from "Lower values increase, and higher values decrease..." to "Lower values decrease, and higher values increase...".
Showing and hiding Paragraph text frame outlines New Tip.
406 Breaking apart and combining Paragraph text frames New Procedure.
407 To specify the minimum number of characters per line Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
414 To set your options to automatically display the Edit Text dialog box Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
415 To enable drag and drop editing Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
416 To specify which nonprinting characters are displayed Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
417 To paste text to the Clipboard as text or as curve objects Step 2: changed from "...double-click Text." to " Text.".
418 To change the grammar checking style Step 2: moved to Step 3. New Step 2: "Click the Options button, and click Checking Styles."
Using automatic spell checking Overview updated and new Note added.
452 To set the render quality Step 2: moved to step 3.  

New Step 2: "Click the Render tab."

461 Tip First Tip changed from "...Window..." to "...View...".
To specify the space between the text and the path using the Fit Text To Path Roll-Up Step 2: changed from "...Window..." to "...View...".  

Step 5: moved to step 6.  

New Step 5: "Click OK."

463 Tip Second Tip: changed from "...Window..." to "...View...".
464 To specify the horizontal position with precision using the Fit Text To Path Roll-Up Step 2: changed from "...Window..." to "...View...".
465 To straighten text Step 2: changed from "..Straighten." to "...Straighten Text.".
469 To set up the page Step 2: changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
Tip! Changed from "...double-click Page..." to "...double-click Document, Page...".
470 To set the base point using the Options dialog box Step 2: changed from " Document, Rulers." to "...double-click Document, and click Rulers.".

Chapter 12 Working with bitmaps 590 To adjust midtones using the Gamma effect Step 3: changed from "...Value..." to "...Gamma...".
599 To convert a bitmap to black-and-white Step 4 last bullet changed from"..Angle..." to "...Degrees...".
613 To set the bitmap effect options Step 2: changed from" Global, Bitmap Effects." to "...double-click Global, and click Bitmap Effects."

Chapter 13 Creating documents for the World Wide Web 650 Checking your document for HTML object conflicts New Topic was added with the following new procedures: "Setting HTML object conflict verification options"  

"Scanning your document for HTML object conflicts"  

"Repairing HTML object conflicts"

651 Publishing documents in HTML format Overview: changed from "...Publish to Internet..." to "...HTML Export...".
653 To choose HTML export options Step 4: changed from "...double-click Publish To Internet, and click Image." to " Image.".
654 Note! Changed from "...Publish to Internet..." to "...HTML Export...".
Publishing documents in Corel Barista format Overview: changed from "...Publish to Internet..." to "...HTML Export...".
656 To choose Corel Barista export options Step 4: changed from "...double-click Publish To Internet, and click Image." to " Image.".
Note! Second Note: changed from "...Publish to Internet..." to "...HTML Export...".
Publishing documents as single objects Overview: changed from "...Publish to Internet..." to "...HTML Export...".
658 To choose export options for single images Step 4: changed from "...double-click Publish To Internet, and click Image." to " Image.".
Note! Second Note: changed from "...Publish to Internet..." to "...HTML Export...".

Chapter 18 Using CorelScript 781 To use CorelDRAW6 presets in CorelDRAW 8 Step 1: changed from "...COREL\DRAW80..." to "...COREL\GRAPHICS8...".

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